Zion Methodist Church Boston UK

'We'll Praise Him for all that is past - And trust Him for all that is to come.'


More to follow..... watch this space! 

Kathleen Brandon - received 27th October 2017

Would like to say I spent many happy Sundays at the Zion church as a young girl, I went every Sunday without fail. I have still got my medal I earned for regular attendance. Plus a bible to. I remember the minister say to us all one Sunday that he would like to see some of our parents there too. I went home that day and told my mum and she said to tell him if he would go and cook lunch for us all then she would go. So being very young I went back the next week and told him, and would you believe he stood up and told everyone in church. I remember him laughing, he was so nice. My name is Kathleen Brandon was then and still is today.

26th August 2015
An article by John Barker printed in a recent 'Methodist Recorder'

Personal Memories 1934 -1954 from Sister Mary Newton (added 9th September 2013)

(taken from the Anniversary edition of Zion News - October 2009)

What a debt I owe to Zion, especially in my first 20 years of life.

My earliest memory of Zion is of the opening service; not the service itself, but jumping on and off the front steps and playing with bits of straw still lying about. Soon came Sunday School, mornings (just a few) and afternoons, first in the Tin Tab, then in the church where, annually, we were drilled by our organist, Mr Adamson for our Sunday School Anniversary, always on Whit Sunday, seated high up on staging in our new dresses and hats! Then came the Junior Guild followed by 'promotion' to the Youth Club.

26th January 2013 John Barker (Louth)

As you may have heard on the local news it is 60 years today since the night of the East Coast floods. On that night Boston MAYC Club had a coach and went to the largest MAYC Club in Lincolnshire, and one of the most progressive in the country, St Catherine’s Club, Lincoln. We went to see their presentation of the outstanding passion play 'The Vigil'. The play is a trial as to 'who rolled the stone away from Christ's tomb' and the judge was their outstanding leader Philip Race, who later became President of the Methodist Church. I never saw the play again until last Easter when Louth Churches Together presented the play in Louth, after weeks of rehearsal, to big audiences on two nights, and I was Pilate. However the historic part is that while we were watching the play at Lincoln in 1953 the terrific wind outside was actually lifting and rattling the slates on the Church Hall in which it was being played. We then came back in the coach to Boston and at times it almost snaked along the road as we came over the Wolds to Sleaford as the wind was so terrific, but we had no idea what was happening in other parts of the county or country, and we did not have TV and not many listened to the radio all day as people do today. On the next morning, Sunday, quite a lot as usual attended Zion Church morning service and the preacher was Mr. Harry Lindford who was a reporter for the local paper which I think at that time was still the 'Guardian' before it became part of the 'Standard'. He told us from the pulpit about the East Coast disaster, which was the first we heard of it and of course we became deeply concerned. As far as I remember there was no flooding in Boston with the tidal surge, although there may have been on the Number Slabs on the Haven Bank.